[opus] [PATCH 9/9] Optimize silk_inner_prod_aligned_scale() for ARM NEON

Timothy B. Terriberry tterribe at xiph.org
Tue Sep 6 17:04:07 UTC 2016

Linfeng Zhang wrote:
> Could you please share your make configuration?

For ARMv7, just
./configure --enable-fixed-point

building natively on a Novena (armv7l, Debian Jessie (8.5), gcc 
4.9.2-10, binutils 2.25).

For x86,
./configure --enable-fixed-point --disable-float-api

with gcc 4.9.1, binutils 2.22.

> I tested on this morning's master with my first 2 patches with the
> following configurations and all work fine.

For patches 1..6, I'm using the rebased patches from the zipfile you 
sent on July 26th.

Possibly your use of --disable-shared is the source of the problems?

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