[opus] FW: a problem with bandwidth configuration

Michal Weiss michalw at surfsolutions.com
Mon May 18 04:57:10 PDT 2015


I try to run the opus_demo with input sample rate 16Khz and bandwidth – FB,

I want the encoder to convert the rate, which I thought it would.

"./opus_demo –e audio 16000 1 50000 –bandwidth FB…."

But when I look at the frames created, the Toc – config has values of

For example "0xB8":

"Config" = 0x17 = 23, which means CELT only WB 16Khz 20ms

"s" – 0

"c" -0

I expected "config" filed of 15 or 31, that means "FB".

It seems that the encoder's bandwidth is always the same as the input
sample rate.

Dows't it suppose to make a rate convertion?


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