[opus] Question on opus_decoder output sampling rate

Julien Chavanton jchavanton at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 07:42:13 PDT 2015

Hi, is there any way to tell the decoder the output sampling Fz we want ?

opus_decoder_create = Sampling rate of input signal (Hz)

Considering this example (VoIP-out from WebRTC/RTP)

MICROPHONE(44.1/48kHz) >> [encoder created at 48kHz but with
internalSampleRate set to 8kHz]>> INTERNET >> [decoder(created with 48kHz)]
>> 48kHz(?) >> G.711(8kHz)

This leaves us with the only option to re-sample even if the internal
sample rate was set to 8kHz.

This may not seem like a big problem since we could simply resample but on
a server with a lot of load this could be significant ?

Is not very clear on these points.

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