[opus] Moving from Speex to Opus (question 2)
Ralph Giles
giles at thaumas.net
Fri May 10 09:51:21 PDT 2013
On 13-05-09 11:26 PM, Hermann Weber wrote:
> void COpusCodec::Decode(unsigned char* encoded, short* decoded, unsigned
> int len)
> {
> int max_size=960*6;
> int error;
> dec = opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, &error);//decode to 48kHz mono
> int frame_size=opus_decode(dec, encoded, len, decoded, max_size, 0);
> }
You need to loop, calling this for each encoded packet. It will return
OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if max_size isn't large enough to contain the
output. You can find out how big the output will be by calling
opus_packet_get_nb_frames() and opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame()
ahead of time. Don't forget to multiply by the number of channels if you
add support for more than mono.
libopus will take care of unpacking any opus frames inside the packet,
but you have to supply the packet length, and advance the encoded
pointer, based on framing information from the container. For example,
the RTP packet length minus headers, or the Ogg packet length if you're
reading a .opus file.
There are examples in opus/src/opus_demo.c, opus-tools/src/opusdec.c and
opusfile/src/opusfile.c but they're somewhat dense as they're all
handing many more options than your simple example.
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