[opus] opus file trimming/clipping

Matt Ruck ultymatt at gmail.com
Wed May 8 19:04:47 PDT 2013

I think producing a new .opus file would be ideal to maintain the benefits
of using the opus codec for transmission over the Internet, and I have had
success encoding to and decoding from .opus to .wav using opus-tools.


On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Timothy B. Terriberry <tterribe at xiph.org>wrote:

> Matt Ruck wrote:
> > I am new to opus and C, so please forgive my basic question. I am trying
> > to trim a file to remove an extract at a specified starting and ending
> > time -- an example would be to save an excerpt from a song as a
> > ringtone. What is the best way to accomplish this?
> Are you trying to produce a WAV file with the decoded output of just a
> segment of the input file, or are you trying to produce a new .opus file
> without re-encoding that segment?
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