[CELT-dev] Porting CELt to the C5505

Jean-Marc Valin Jean-Marc.Valin at USherbrooke.ca
Mon Mar 22 02:47:08 PDT 2010


I never used CELT on the C55x myself, but from what I heard if set it to low
complexity, then you can do encode+decode with around 60 MIPS on the C55x.


Selon Mike Hooper <mihooper at bellsouth.net>:

> Tony,
> How is this going? Have you been able to get CELT to run on a TI55xx? I am
> very interested in the % utilization of the hardware and whether multiple
> instance of CELT on the same DSP are feasible. I look forward to your
> findings.
> MikeH

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