Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca
Tue Jul 20 04:09:04 PDT 2010


I assume your platform is a TI C5x, in which case, CELT definitely works 
on those. When it comes to the 16-bit chars, what I think you need to do 
is just use the lower half. CELT will consider the chars as bytes, so 
it'll only read/write to/from the lowest 8 bits. Once you take that into 
account, you should be fine. Other than that, I occasionally introduce 
code that doesn't work when ints are 16-bits, but those are usually 
minor. Then only reason they end up in the code is that I have no way to 
actually test that CELT works with ints are 16-bits.



On 10-07-20 06:57 AM, Riccardo Micci wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm porting CELT 0.7.1 to an embedded platform and unfortunately (at
> least for me) CHAR is defined as 16 bits. I now got the vocoder
> compiling but when i compare the encoded output with a windows build,
> they don't match.
> Among the other problems i think that the char definition is one of the
> biggest players. I've seen in arch.h the following definitions:
> /* 2 on TI C5x DSP */
> #define BYTES_PER_CHAR 2
> #define BITS_PER_CHAR 16
> #define LOG2_BITS_PER_CHAR 4
> That makes me think the code is in someway ready to work on these kind
> of platforms. I don't see the above definition used anywhere in the code
> though. Does anybody know if CELT could work on platform with 16 bits
> char or if any attempt has been already tried?
> Thanks!
> Regards
> Riccardo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Riccardo Micci
> Senior DSP Engineer, Wireless Group
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