Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca
Wed Jul 7 07:59:35 PDT 2010

Did you define DOUBLE_PRECISION and MIXED_PRECISION? This is all handled 
by the configure script, but if you're doing things manually, then it's 
easy to forget something.


On 10-07-07 10:31 AM, Riccardo Micci wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently successful built and run CELT under Windows using
> "testcelt.c" example file. Since I'm about to port it on a embedded
> platform i activated the FIXED_POINT #define.
> I included fixed_generic.h and without other changes to the code i tried
> to encode and decode the same file i previously used.
> The output though is completely saturated i.e. it jumps from -32768 to
> +32767.
> I then tried decoding an encoded in floating point mode file with a
> fixed point decoder and the other way around. Both are not working.
> I'm using CELT 0.7.1.
> It shouldn't be relevant but the source file is
> freq: 32000
> channels: 1
> frame_size = 256
> bytes_per_packet = 64.
> Has anybody had my same problem? Any suggestion?
> Thanks
> Regards
> Riccardo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Riccardo Micci
> Senior DSP Engineer, Wireless Group
> *Cambridge Consultants*
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> riccardo.micci at cambridgeconsultants.com
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