[CELT-dev] CELT 0.10.0, upcoming bit-stream freeze, demo page

Julien Vermillard jvermillard at archean.fr
Thu Dec 23 00:33:39 PST 2010

Le Wed, 22 Dec 2010 10:37:50 -0500,
Jean-Marc Valin <jmvalin at jmvalin.ca> a écrit :

> Hi,
> This isn't that new anymore, but I'd let everyone know that CELT  
> 0.10.0 is out. We've improved the quality quite a bit since the last  
> release and we fixed many bugs. For this release, Monty has written
> an extensive demo page at:
> http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/celt/demo.html
> Although it's not final yet, it contains a lot of information of
> CELT, recent changes and lots of audio samples. Worth reading.
> We are also working hard on freezing the bit-stream, with a target
> of early January. I'd like to encourage everyone to give 0.10.0 (and
> the git version) a try and report any issues. We are also hanging
> around on #celt (irc.freenode.net) to do development. Don't hesitate
> to join if you'd like to discuss about CELT or help in the
> development. We're always looking for people to listen to audio
> samples to help guide the development process.
> Cheers,
>     Jean-Marc

Very good news. The demo page is very nicely done and will help me to
push CELT based project here.

By the way the API will froze too ?


Julien Vermillard

Archean Technologies
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