[CELT-dev] Cross Platform Audio Library

Jean-Marc Valin jmvalin at jmvalin.ca
Fri Dec 10 14:45:04 PST 2010


Unfortunately, I think the only way I know of achieving very low  
latency is to write low-level code and minimize the abstraction  
layers. At some point, it's likely that your code would have to become  
somewhat soundcard-specific too because not all soundcards do the  
buffering the same way and you'll want to adapt to the soundcard  
buffer rather than let an abstraction layer handle it through more  
buffering. That's my experience anyway.


mike <mike at baseforsale.com> a écrit :

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> 	I was wondering if anyone had any advice on an audio library that is
> better suited to be paired with Celt in terms of latency.  I'm working
> on an application that I would like to have running on both
> windows/Linux systems.  I started by using the OpenAL library but I have
> run into an issue when feeding OpenAL small mono sample sizes that are
> 512 samples or less(1024 bytes).  Even if I create a ridiculous amount
> of buffers the playback is not correct.  I corrected the issue but it
> required that I create a second buffer that can hold around 2048
> samples.  My goal is to achieve the lowest latency possible.
> Thank you
> Mike
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