[CELT-dev] how to use celt codec

Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca
Fri Jan 2 07:42:57 PST 2009

e schmidbauer a écrit :
> hey great job with the celt codec. im very eager to use it. im just
> wondering how? there is little to no documentation on how to use the
> celt codec.

At this point, there's a small API manual, but that's all. Best to look
at the sample code.

> is there anyway to encode an icecast stream using the celt codec? 

Only if you first write an icecast plugin.

> or is there any software with celt support built in? thanks.

There's very little CELT support at the moment. There will likely be
more when the bit-stream is frozen.


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