[neurosetta] Tales of Frustrtation

Dan Berger dberger at oubliette.org
Tue Jul 1 22:37:06 PDT 2003

I had reported some preliminary positive results with rsync earlier -
and while it's true that I've gotten further using rsync than with
positron - all is not what you might call well.

I've had several file system corruptions - FAT mismatches, directories
full of invalid entries, long file names that start inside each other
(?!), files that are (or need to be) truncated, and directories that
are missing "." and "..".

I've tried this with a uni-processor kernel and smp kernel - can't say
I noticed a difference.

I've had the neuros lock up, I've had my linux machine lock up, there
doesn't seem to be a pattern.

I'm currently using the following command-line:
rsync -rvvP --size-only --bwlimit=400 --include=*.ogg --include=*.mp3 . /mnt/neuros/music

And it seems to be going fairly well - but another thing that doesn't
seem consistent is the time between lockups/crashes.  In particular,
setting the bandwidth limit seems to help a lot - at least in terms of
the system behavior - the load average doesn't seem to spike - rather
it hovers around 1.

I've managed to get 6GB of my 13-odd GB of music onto the Neuros - at
this rate it'll have taken around 48 hours to transfer 13GB.

So far, I'm less than impressed, but I also strongly suspect there's a
linux bug at least partially at fault here.  Does anyone else out
there have another usb-storage device who's willing to do some tests
with it?  

   Dan Berger [dberger at oubliette.org]
   Inter arma silent leges

   "Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect
   liberty when the government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to
   freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by
   evil minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in
   insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without
	Justice Louis Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead v US (1928)

    A982 E6B1 CB2F 7A49  843A 9297 DA73 4371  1F54 8D0C

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