[libcmml-dev] libcmml debs

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Wed Dec 3 20:29:55 EST 2003

This one time, at band camp, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>The first (well, second) cut of my libcmml Debian packages are up at
>  deb http://spacepants.org/debian experimental/
>They're for powerpc, but the source is there too so you should be able to
>grab them and rebuild them, apt-get source -b libcmml should cover it:

I've now set up mini-dinstall and dput to build on my orkstation
so now there's i386 packages too!  Yay!

jaq at spacepants.org                           http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg

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