[libannodex-dev] Changing from CVS to Subversion on April 5 (tonight)

André Pang Andre.Pang at csiro.au
Tue Apr 6 13:52:37 EST 2004

On 06/04/2004, at 2:01 AM, Andre Pang wrote:

>     http://svn.annodex.net/
> Each repository follows the standard Subversion model of having 
> {branches,tags,trunk} directories, so if you want to check out the 
> latest revision of, e.g. libannodex, do the following:
>     svn co http://svn.annodex.net/libannodex/trunk my_libannodex

Grumble, it looks like the transition wasn't quite 100% smooth.

There are problems using http://svn.annodex.net/ as the base URL: 
reading from such a URL is fine, but there are problems writing (i.e. 
committing) changes back to the URL if you have write access.  I'm not 
sure whether this is a bug in Subversion's mod_dav_svn module or 
whether there's some problems with hosting Subversion repositories off 
a root directory on a virtual host, but until we figure out what's 
wrong with it, please use the following base URL if you are a 


e.g. to check out libannodex, do:

     svn co http://www.annodex.net/svn/libannodex/trunk my_libannodex

The webpages have been updated with the above information as well.  
I'll post another follow-up message once the svn.annodex.net issue is 
sorted out.

% Andre Pang : trust.in.love.to.save

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