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<p>We have some time-outs when there connecting more thane 1400 listeners to Icecast.<br />We use CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 on port 80 and 443 for SSL on IPv4 and IPv6. <br />The stream have many mountpoint 16 active (8 main en 8 fallback and 8 file when faillback is down)<br />The server have 2 CPU's on 3Ghz and 6000mb memory. And we 1 GB uplink (we use 130mbit on peak). We use a hardware firewall Mikrotik CCR1036 and extra software firewall (Arno's Iptables Firewall)<br />We use Cacti to check server mem,cpu and load en traffic. We see 34% CPU and 0,5 load on peak. <br />We change the CONNTRACK on the server to 32384 and we change some limits for application in /etc/security/limits.conf<br />* soft core 8388608<br />* soft nofile 65000<br />* hard nofile 65000</p>
<p>We use on Icecast t:<br /> <queue-size>524288</queue-size><br /> <client-timeout>20</client-timeout><br /> <header-timeout>15</header-timeout><br /> <source-timeout>10</source-timeout><br /> <burst-size>65536</burst-size></p>
<p>When we have the problem the disconnect mountpoints and we see 16-20% packet loss to icmp to the IPv4 address. And when we login on ssh the system is response slower.</p>
<p><span>We see no error in the system log or Icecast log.</span></p>
<p>Do anyone have some tips to check or tune the configs? <br />We have running other servers the have more listeners but no problems but the have no SSL or so many mountpoints.</p>
<p>Best regards,<br />Michel</p>
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