[Icecast] <intro>

tyctor at post.cz tyctor at post.cz
Sat Jun 1 12:53:26 UTC 2024


i tryied to play your URL on my OSMC (kodi)
and it is working well
song title is displayed, and when shong changes, title is updated

sending screenshots from monitor screen


On Sat, 2024-06-01 at 19:42 +0800, Tony Harding wrote:
> I have recently added an intro audio to several of my services and
> from an audio point of view it all works well, on connection I hear
> the intro and then the stream plays. The Icecast displays the artist
> and title and in Winamp I can see the metadata.
> However the website HTML5/JS players now no longer display the Artist
> and title. The author of the players (There is more than one type)
> says there is an http header error now, which is causing the problem.
> Saying”
> the 'icymetaint' header doesn't contain the current song
> information.”
> Currently the mounting point entry in the icecast.xml reads
>     <mount type="normal">
>         <mount-name>/mellow.mp3</mount-name>
>         <intro>prerool.mp3</intro>
>         <public>1</public>
>         <http-headers>
>                 <header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
> value="http://webplayer.example.org" />
>                 <header name="baz" value="quux" />
>         </http-headers>
>     </mount>
> An edited down version of the default XML 
> I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to edit the header lines
> to get the metadata to flow into the players.
> Should ="Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
> value=http://webplayer.example.org”read "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
> value="*"
> What are the value and status required?
> Example stream is server37.applesources.net:8000/mellow.mp3
> This is a 128K MP3 stream from Buffalo, NY. The intro mp3 is 128K
> too.
> Regards
> Tony
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