[Icecast] Multiple SSL certificates

uktony uktony at radiocompany.net
Mon Feb 12 18:19:52 UTC 2024

Yes, great question.Can you get icecast, one instalation, running two or more stations, respond with more than one SSL cert?Ice.domain1.comIce.domain2.netDepends how you address the server?TonySent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: ak18 at 5x9.de Date: 13/02/2024  00:32  (GMT+08:00) To: icecast at xiph.org Subject: [Icecast] Multiple SSL certificates DE:Kann man bei Icecast mehrere SSL-Zertifikate konfigurieren um mehrere Domainnamen per https zu verwenden und wenn ja, wie?EN:Is it possible to configure multiple SSL certificates with Icecast to use multiple domain names via https and if so, how?_______________________________________________Icecast mailing listIcecast at xiph.orghttp://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast
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