[Icecast] Edited: <on-connect> / <on-disconnect> not working

Jordan Erickson jordan at subj.am
Wed Sep 20 17:35:16 UTC 2023

Hi Jack,

Have you tried, as the icecast2 user, interactively using the msmtp 
command instead of with your script? Try this, it will narrow down the 
variables. Also, check to see if your iceast2 user has the required 
group membership(s), if any, to send mail from that machine.

Jordan Erickson


On 9/20/23 10:32, Jack Elliott wrote:
> Thank you, Philipp Schafft,
> Okay my amateur bash script is badly written and I will clean it up.
> But I don't think my clumsy scripting explains why I can run the 
> script as user kpovdjs, but not as user icecast2?
> It uses /usr/bin/msptp and
> kpovdjs at Icecast-Pi:~/bin $ ls -l /usr/bin/msmtp
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 83848 Jun 19  2014 /usr/bin/msmtp
> So that isn't a problem.
> And the script:
> kpovdjs at Icecast-Pi:~/bin $ ls -l email_onconnect.sh
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 kpovdjs kpovdjs 422 Sep 20 10:08 email_onconnect.sh
> Yes, I have tried running the script as user kpovdjs and it works. And 
> the same command as user icecast2 does not work and does not make an 
> error message.
> Thomas Zumbrunnen wonders about my mount point definition, this is it:
>   <mount type="normal">
>          <mount-name>/stream</mount-name>
>          <fallback-mount>/fallbacks/Generic_Silence_192kbps_48kHz.mp3</fallback-mount>
>          <fallback-override>1</fallback-override>
>          <fallback-when-full>1</fallback-when-full>
>           <burst-size>65535</burst-size>
>          <on-connect>/home/kpovdjs/bin/email_onconnect.sh</on-connect>
>          <on-disconnect>/home/kpovdjs/bin/email_ondisconnect.sh</on-disconnect>
>          <no-yp>1</no-yp>
>      </mount>
> Thank you, everyone!
> -- 
> Jack Elliott
> Director of Classical Music Programming
> High Desert Community Radio
> KPOV Bend, Oregon
> On 9/20/23 8:44 AM, Philipp Schafft wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> On Wed, 2023-09-20 at 08:24 -0700, Jack Elliott wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am still trying to debug this. Summary, I am using <on-connect> in
>>> my icecast.xml to launch an email when a source-client connects.
>>> Here is the line in icecast.xml:
>>> <on-connect>/home/kpovdjs/bin/email_onconnect.sh</on-connect>
>>> The problem is that this script doesn't do anything when icecast runs
>>> it.
>>> The script works if I run it as user kpovdjs (me). But if I su to
>>> user icecast2, it does nothing.
>>> "email_onconnect.sh" is:
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> set -x
>>> #thatjackelliott at kpov.org
>>> printf "To:thatjackelliott at kpov.org\nFrom:kpovcomputer at gmail.com\nS
>>> ubject: Remote host has connected to mountpoint $1 on the
>>> Backstream\n\n KPOV Icecast server on IcecastPi has detected a
>>> connection on the backstream." > /home/kpovdjs/bin/on_connect.txt
>>> /usr/bin/msmtpthatjackelliott at kpov.org  <
>>> /home/kpovdjs/bin/on_connect.txt  >/home/kpovdjs/bin/msmtp.log 2>&1
>> Your printf is wrong here.
>> NEVER do something like: printf "bla $blubb bla\n";
>> ALWAYS do: printf "bla %s bla\n" "$blubb";
>> That is exactly why we use printf in the first place. This is the
>> reason it exists.
>> Also you can just pipe your output between the commands. No need for a
>> tempfile (which also adds many problems, from permissions to race
>> conditions).
>>> If I run it as user kpovdjs (me), it sends the email, and this is the
>>> debug output:
>>> kpovdjs at Icecast-Pi:~/bin $ ./email_onconnect.sh
>>> + printf 'To:thatjackelliott at kpov.org\nFrom:kpovcomputer at gmail.com\
>>> nSubject: Remote host has connected to mountpoint  on the
>>> Backstream\n\n KPOV Icecast server on IcecastPi has detected a
>>> connection on the backstream.'
>>> + /usr/bin/msmtpthatjackelliott at kpov.org
>>> But as user icecast2, the debug output is the same, but no email
>>> sent:
>>> icecast2 at Icecast-Pi:/home/kpovdjs/bin$ ./email_onconnect.sh
>>> + printf 'To:thatjackelliott at kpov.org\nFrom:kpovcomputer at gmail.com\
>>> nSubject: Remote host has connected to mountpoint  on the
>>> Backstream\n\n KPOV Icecast server on IcecastPi has detected a
>>> connection on the backstream.'
>>> + /usr/bin/msmtpthatjackelliott at kpov.org
>> Are you sure /usr/bin/msmtp works as the Icecast user?
>> Have you tried to run that script as the same user as Icecast?
>> e.g.: sudo -u icecast /path/to/script
>>> For debug purposes, I have rwxrwxrwx permission set from / and down
>>> to and including the script.
>>> -rwxrwxrwx  1 kpovdjs  kpovdjs  414 Sep 17 10:59 email_onconnect.sh
>> I hope that is a really really bad joke.
>>> For further debug purposes, I made a copy of the .sh script and
>>> chowned it to user icecast2.
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 icecast2 icecast  414 Sep 20 08:08
>>> email_onconnect_usericecast2.sh
>>> It also does not send the email when I invoke it as user icecast2.
>>> The "set -x" debug output is the same.
>>> At this point it seems that this is not a icecast issue, per se, but
>>> some sneaky subtle weird annoying little Linux thing. However, if
>>> anyone here has an idea on how I might solve it, it would be very
>>> much appreciated.
>> Not the wording I would use.
>> You could check Icecast's error.log to see if it reports a problem.
>> Other than that you really first need to establish that the script
>> actually works running as that user.
>>> Thank you!
>>> ===========================
>>> Very cool, I haven't encountered the "set -x" debug flag before.
>>> However, the output isn't as interesting as I hoped:
>>> icecast2 at Icecast-Pi:/home/kpovdjs/bin$ ./email_onconnect.sh
>>> + printf 'To:thatjackelliott at kpov.org\nFrom:kpovcomputer at gmail.com\nS
>>> ubject: Remote host has connected to mountpoint on the Backstream\n\n
>>> KPOV Icecast server on IcecastPi has detected a connection on the
>>> backstream.'
>>> + /usr/bin/msmtpthatjackelliott at kpov.org
>>> icecast2 at Icecast-Pi:/home/kpovdjs/bin$
>>> Thank you!
>>>> Hi
>>>> For debuging purpose put
>>>> set -x in the row after #!/bin/bash
>>>> and execute the script. Post the whole output here.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Tom
>>>> Am 17. Sept. 2023, 19:42 +0200 schrieb Jack Elliott <
>>>> that.jack.elliott at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Jordan,
>>>>> Here is my script:
>>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>>> #thatjackelliott at kpov.org
>>>>> printf"To:thatjackelliott at kpov.org\nFrom:kpovcomputer at gmail.com\ 
>>>>> nSubject: Remote host has connected to mountpoint $1 on the 
>>>>> Backstream\n\n KPOV Icecast server on IcecastPi has detected a 
>>>>> connection on the backstream."  >
>>>>> /home/my_username/bin/on_connect.txt
>>>>> /usr/bin/msmtpthatjackelliott at kpov.org <
>>>>> /home/my_username/bin/on_connect.txt
>>>>>> /home/my_username/bin/msmtp.log 2>&1
>>>>> This script has rwx set for everyone (for debugging).
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jack Elliott
>>>>> Director of Classical Music Programming
>>>>> High Desert Community Radio
>>>>> KPOV Bend, Oregon
>>>>> On 9/17/23 8:25 AM, Jordan Erickson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>>>> You said:
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Okay now that I am user icecast2, let me see if the script I
>>>>>> want the Icecast server to run <on-connect> runs, so . . .
>>>>>> icecast2 at icecast-Pi: $ ./email_onconnect.sh
>>>>>> and the prompt returns immediately, no error message, but no
>>>>>> email received. But if I su back to my_username and try the
>>>>>> script, it runs and an email is received.
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> This tells me that your script is not doing what it needs to do
>>>>>> as the Icecast user. Since you're doing it outside of Icecast,
>>>>>> it's not the <on-connect> or <on-disconnect> triggers that are
>>>>>> failing. It would be helpful if you could paste your script
>>>>>> (sensitive info like passwords removed) here.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Jordan
>>>>>> https://subj.am/
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