[Icecast] icecast2/ices2 don't work for iOS?

Petr Pisar petr.pisar at atlas.cz
Sun Nov 19 14:11:03 UTC 2023

V Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 02:19:14PM +0100, Thomas Jensen napsal(a):
> I have set up a radio with icecast2 and ices2. Everything works. I can
> access it from 
> http://radio.protestbandet.dk:8000/stream 
That serves the radio stream in Ogg/Vorbis format.

> I can listen to my radio in RadioDroid on my android phone, and I can
> listen via 
> https://liveonlineradio.net/horsens-garage-radio
This one also fetches the stream from

> in Firefox on my computer with Ubuntu.
Firefox supports Ogg/Vorbis.

> But people on iPad/iPhone can not acces it!
According to <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorbis#Application_software> iOS
does not support Ogg/Vorbis. There you have to use a third-party application
which adds the support.

> My wife did install "cutedio" internet radio app on her iPhone, and
> found my radio station, but it could not get access (it just keept on
> loading and nothing happened).
I guess cuteradio application does not support Ogg/Vornbis either. It even
does not support FLAC <https://github.com/Suplanus/Cuterdio/issues>.

> So, what is the problem?
If the problem is indeed the format, then either add a stream in a different
format supported by iOS (e.g. AAC), or find and install a player which
supports Ogg/Vorbis. A quick web search recommends VLC or OPlayer.

-- Petr
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