[Icecast] (Re)Loading SSL certs

Philipp Schafft phschafft at de.loewenfelsen.net
Mon Mar 27 09:01:38 UTC 2023

Good morning,

On Mon, 2023-03-27 at 00:15 +0100, rack00terry at icloud.com wrote:
> > Hey all, first poster here
> > 
> > Every couple of months I need to get the renewed SSL certificates
> > ‘live’ in Icecast.
> > 
> > Restarting the service does this, but of course it kicks off both
> > the sources and all the listeners!
> > 
> > Doing a '/etc/init.d/icecast2 reload’, unfortunately doesn’t apply
> > the new certs.
> > 
> > How does everyone do this?

It depends on your version. On 2.5.x reloading the cert should just
work. :) It is reloaded whenever the config is also reloaded.

With best regards,

Philipp Schafft (CEO/Geschäftsführer)
Telephone:           +49.3535 490 17 92
Website:             https://www.loewenfelsen.net/
Follow us:           https://www.linkedin.com/company/loewenfelsen/
Geschäftsführer/CEO: Philipp Schafft

Löwenfelsen UG (haftungsbeschränkt)     Registration number:
Bickinger Straße 21                     HRB 12308 CB
04916 Herzberg (Elster)                 VATIN/USt-ID:
Germany                                 DE305133015
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