[Icecast] generate https link in status.xsl

Joerg Land land at uni-leipzig.de
Thu Aug 10 13:21:42 UTC 2023


I have installed the https connection.

The gui (status.xsl) has the button M3U and XSPF for each mount point.

If I press the button a link is generated in the file mountpointname.acc.m3u.

I check the file via editor. I see the following:  

This link is not working for players like vlc. It works perfect after  
I edit mountpointname.acc.m3u with https://hostname/mountpointname.aac

How can I get this link via the button M3U?

The same problem is with XSPF.

There I get the tag:  
<location>http://hostname:443/montpointname.aac</location> in the file.

Thank you to everyone how helping me.

Regards, Joerg

Universitaet Leipzig
Zentrum fuer Medienproduktion (ZMP)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Joerg Land
04109 Leipzig, Nikolaistrasse 27-29
Tel.:  0341-97-35759
FAX:   0341-97-31135759
Email: land at uni-leipzig.de

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