[Icecast] players who cannot handle switching to a fallback mount point?

Michel van Dop mvandop at xs4all.nl
Fri May 10 10:18:05 UTC 2019


I am now sure that the encoders for both mountpoint are exact the same. 
aacPlus 96kb/s 44.1kHZ stereo
CODEC aacPlus 96kb/s (12,0 Kbytes/s) Samplerate 44.1 kHz Stereo

I use 1 PC software -> Sam Cast.. we use the same settings for both

I found foobar2000 player you can see the stream details (both
mountpoint are the same):
Sample rate 44100 Hz
Channels 2 
Codec AAC
Codec Profile AAC SBR
Enocoding lossy 

I test a other encoder Altacast and we do the same AAC.. Same problem. 
We using Chrome 74.0.3729.131 (Officiële build) (64-bits) on Win7. 

When i test the same html5 player on Firefox it works fine. We use
Firefox 66.0.4 

For Chrome HTML player problem we see in Icecast (error log):
[2019-05-10 11:50:40] WARN format/format_get_type Unsupported or legacy
stream type: "audio/aacp". Falling back to generic minimal handler for
best effort.

We use the same test on mp3 on 96k and that works fine for Chrome and

Look like html5 player on chrome and Icecast using AAC do not work fine.
(i am not sure but i do this test on december 2018 and it works fine) 
Look like a update of Chrome have change something.  

I already try some other things to use http (not https) or ip address in
html5 player code. Other AAC setting for both mountpoints and use html5
player on diffrent PC and chrome.
But it not a specific problem on one PC. 

I hope there is solution, many listener using the Chrome browser (its my
default browser) 

Best regards,

Mikel Sanz | 20 Comunicación schreef op 2019-05-10 11:00:

> Hello. I have same problem, and I think that it's because AAC+ uses VBR and when it's changes, is not the same bitrate, because varies... 
> El jue., 9 may. 2019 a las 21:29, Michel van Dop (<mvandop at xs4all.nl>) escribió: 
>> Hi Paul,
>> Thank you for the information. I already try a player to discover the stream type of both streams if the are the same. 
>> But i can not find out, so i must check the encoders by my self.
>> First I wil try one pc encoder to stream to both mountpoint so i am sure the encoder are the same aac type en bitrate.
>> I will keep you informed of the result
>> Best regards, 
>> Michel 
>>> Op 9 mei 2019 om 19:14 heeft Paul Martin <pm at nowster.me.uk> het volgende geschreven:
>>>> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 01:59:05PM +0200, Michel van Dop wrote:
>>>> [2019-05-07 13:33:29] WARN format/format_get_type Unsupported or legacy
>>>> stream type: "audio/aacp". Falling back to generic minimal handler for best
>>>> effort.
>>> Is one source AAC-LC (standard AAC) and the other HE-AAC v2 (AAC+)?
>>> There are three variants of AAC:
>>> AAC-LC
>>> HE-AAC (= AAC-LC with SBR)
>>> HE-AAC v2 (= HE-AAC with parametric stereo), aka AAC+
>>> Check your encoders.
>>> You also have to match all other settings, eg. sample rate.
>>> -- 
>>> Paul Martin <pm at nowster.me.uk>
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