[Icecast] Kicking duplicate connections

Damian db76 at riseup.net
Sun Dec 22 13:18:35 UTC 2019

Hello fellow mailing list readers,

My question relates to multiple / duplicate connections to the ice cast server from the same IP address.

I am well aware that this is an issue that lies with the music player (listener agent) used by the listener. When a listener connects to the stream, sometimes it appears as two connections to the stream from the same IP address. This may last only a few seconds, or sometimes the listener may remain connected with two instances of the IP address. 

I’d like some advice on what is best practice in dealing with these duplicate connections. Many years ago, when I ran a shoutcast server, a developer wrote a script for me that would automatically kick one of the duplicate connections, so that only the first connection remained tuned in to the stream. 

I was considering reusing this script with the ice cast server. Would anyone advise against this practice? If so, for what reasons and would you advise an alteravie?


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