[Icecast] Custom Hooks

Thomas B. Rücker thomas at ruecker.fi
Sun Nov 4 11:57:48 UTC 2018

On 11/02/2018 11:41 PM, Alex Hackney wrote:
> I am looking for a way that I can use to send a hook to my api when
> particular things happen.
> For instance, i need to know when listeners or sources connect or
> disconnect and when song meta data changes on a stream.
> I see this data on the log and can write a script to do it by
> monitoring the log but does icecast have a better way?
> Almost looks like the auth block could do it but I don't want to
> prompt listeners for a login.

That's actually how you do it. You use the URL-auth backend and always
return positive authentication.

Please make sure that you are running version 2.4.4 though. Older
versions have a security issue in the URL-auth code!



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