[Icecast] Best source for creating multiple streams

Camara, Carlos Carlos.Camara at Staples.com
Sat Aug 22 04:42:56 UTC 2015

With IceS2 this is easily accomplished by copying the 'ices-playlist.XML' file (I have 3 copies in the same directory with different names). Then define a new mount point in the xml file and point  to a different play list file within the XML ( random can be enabled in the xml).  Once this is complete, in terminal start ices2 with each xml.

~ $ sudo ices2 /media/music/ices-playlist_s.XML
~ $ sudo ices2 /media/music/ices-playlist_mylist.XML
~ $ sudo ices2 /media/music/ices-playlist_classic.XML

I also define different log files for each stream.


Sent From My Android

From: Spam Catcher
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 12:01 AM
Subject: [Icecast] Best source for creating multiple streams
To: Icecast streaming server user discussions

Hi there. I'm trying to find a way to create multiple streams with one source client. Each of the streams should read from a different playlist file and randomly pull and play songs from the file. I know how to do this with a single stream with clients such as IceS and Ezstream, but I don't see a way to specify different playlists for each mountpoint. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a source I could use to do this? Thanks _______________________________________________ Icecast mailing list Icecast at xiph.org http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast

On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 9:01 PM -0700, "Spam Catcher" <spamcatcher447 at gmail.com<mailto:spamcatcher447 at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi there.

  I'm trying to find a way to create multiple streams with one source
client. Each of the streams should read from a different playlist file
and randomly pull and play songs from the file. I know how to do this
with a single stream with clients such as IceS and Ezstream, but I
don't see a way to specify different playlists for each mountpoint. I
was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a source I could use
to do this?

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