[Icecast] dynamic source creation?

"Thomas B. Rücker" thomas at ruecker.fi
Fri Sep 26 06:53:11 UTC 2014

On 09/25/2014 07:27 PM, uno wrote:
> uno:
>>> "Thomas B. Rücker":
>>>> You can combine this with: default mount
>>>> https://trac.xiph.org/ticket/1914#comment:1
>>>> Start with <mount type="default">
>>>> If you do this, you can basically do most things outside of Icecast to
>>>> manage authentication and a few other things. Pretty powerful features.
> me again... 
> i've tried that with (a working..) <authentication type="url">
> that created a mess on restart. seems that the mount type="default" 
> catches all sources then, no matter if they authenticate per password or url.
> icecast refused to start. will investigate with higer log level later.

I'm not sure how well those will coexist. So careful testing is
necessary to understand behaviour.

>>> hi Thomas,
>>> one question about dynamic sources: are the # of sources limited by the
>>> global max sources setting? just to prevent the hordes...
>> so, now i had the time to check this feature. works, great ;)
>> but maybe icecast should only allow [alnum] or so, as valid mount points.
>> using whitespace at the beginning causes the server to spam the logs.

We are quite permissive in mount names. I think I've seen people use
unicode in those.
"Don't do dumb things" generally applies though.
If putting a space at the beginning of a mount name confuses things to a
degree where it affects other things/users/streams on the server, then
we should look into it though. Could you provide actual examples of
mount point names, what you did and what happened?

Also the global source limit applies, yes.



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