[Icecast] Pyhton Class/library for Icecast 2.32 Stats and other info access?

"Thomas B. Rücker" thomas at ruecker.fi
Mon Nov 17 06:48:46 UTC 2014

On 11/14/2014 08:43 PM, genocid3 wrote:
> Hi, if i am not mistaken 2.4 has a servlet which provides json output
> for active mounts and stats.
> You can check it out at http://your host:8000/status-json.xsl
> Just upgrade your version and you should be fine.

Actually you should be able to retrofit that to older versions too. If,
like Dean, you really want to stick to that for some reason.
All it needs is to copy two files:
They go into the webroot.
If you want to do that, please use the status-json.xsl from Icecast
2.4.1 (or until I release it within the coming days, from trunk)

As far as I understand python works quite well with JSON, so that would
probably simplify things

> Hth
> In a search for access to various ways to interact with Icecast via
> Python, I ran across this:
> http://xiph.org/~brendan/pyshout2/pyshout2-0.0.1.tar.gz
> <http://xiph.org/%7Ebrendan/pyshout2/pyshout2-0.0.1.tar.gz>
> Which is now dead (404).
> I have a need to be able to query an Icecast Server and get the number of
> listeners for a mount. I need to do this via Python, and preferably with
> out scraping the stats page of Icecast to do so. If there was access to
> other data that would be a plus, but a simple means to call a Python
> function and get an integer back with this value would be a plus.
> Is there something else out there to do this with out scraping a page?
> Python is the only route at this time due to the nature of other code
> involved which is already done in Python, and far to advanced to rewrite
> at this point, and is only supported on Python due to the underlying
> hardware used.


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