[Icecast] suggestion on appropriate source client

Scott Winterstein 0turn1 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 21:04:03 UTC 2014

Some of this will require special scripts and programming to work as
described. You can program IceCast to create all the settings and streams /
mountpoints you need, your source encoder software settings pointed to the
correct mount in the IceCast server. But to stream separate sources will
work best if you setup separate systems for each one since running multiple
instances of a source encoding takes up a big amount of resources and only
a very powerful system setup with multiple source encoder hardware can do
the job right and with as little interruption. I have vast exp in this and
find alot of it has to do with really figuring out the math and setup to be
a simple configuration of a source that matches the bitrate your serving.
64kbps serving then the source mp3 ogg wav etc etc should be the same.
Other wise you have the encoding that is very source hogging and alot of
crash or glitches, music thats slugginsh or sounds bad... I can stream a
32kbps stream that sounds pretty powerful and can be turned up by the
endpoint with no problem. the old saying is garbage in garbage out...

I hope this helps

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Scott Winterstein

EMAIL: 0turn1 at gmail dot com

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 4:48 PM, genocid3 <genocid3ita at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> i would like to have some suggestion about the most appropriate source
> client to use in conjunction with IceCast2 given few requirements:
> 1) the client should be able to handle multiple streams simultaneously and
> thus multiple resource folders (for music files).
> 2) the client should be able to be programmatically manipulated (scripting
> or API) and can thus provide a dynamic way to add or remove mountpoints to
> icecast and manage the related music sources.
> 3) i am pretty much going to stream only music files (no dj's or live
> sources).
> 4) i  would prefer something OpenSource.
> 5) the client should be able to automatically detect changes in music
> folders and automatically updated the related playlist (eg i drop an mp3 to
> the /mount1/ music folder and the appropriate playlist for that particular
> stream gets updated).
> 6) should provide fallbacks when empty music folders are present (eg.
> stream "silence").
> Please be gentle, its my first post :)
> Thank you in advance!,
> Emanuel.
> --
> There are 10 people in the world, those who understand hexadecimal and
> those who don't...the other 14 just don't care.
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