[Icecast] Webm streaming.

Rafael Gomes rafaelgomes at quijaua.com.br
Fri Jun 27 22:07:25 UTC 2014


use gstreamer, exemple pipeline:

gst-launch-0.10 -v -e v4l2src norm="NTSC" device=/dev/video0 ! queue !  
videorate force-fps=15 ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-yuv, width=360, 
height=240 ! queue ! vp8enc mode=1 bitrate=120000 speed=2 ! queue ! 
webmmux streamable=true name=mux  alsasrc  device=default ! queue ! 
audio/x-raw-int,channels=2,rate=48000,depth=16 ! audioconvert ! queue ! 
vorbisenc bitrate=48000 ! mux. mux. ! queue !  shout2send 
ip="yourdomain" port="8000" password="yourpassword" 
mount="/yourmount.webm" public="true" streamname=" " description=" " 
genre=" " url=" "

or Theorur

To force gstreamer 0.10:
theorur -0

To force gstreamer 1.0:
theorur -1

You must have compiled gstreamer with the latest version of libshout 
Ubuntu 14.04 comes by default

and player I use http://mediaelementjs.com/

Rafael Gomes

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