[Icecast] Icecast 2.4 beta release

Rücker Thomas thomas.ruecker at tieto.com
Tue Jul 17 22:13:22 UTC 2012

This is to announce the release of Icecast 2.4 beta.

We've landed some important features and we're looking forward to testing and feedback.
As this is a beta release please discuss it on the icecast-dev mailing list.
(Please do NOT cross-post to both, do not reply to the icecast mailing list).

New features -

     Support for Ogg Opus streams
     Support for WebM streams

Bug fixes -

     Fixes for some race conditions
     Allow (standard strftime(3)) %x codes in <dump-file>. Disabled for win32.
     Dropped debian packaging directory as debian use their own.

There's more and significant changes in the pipe-line before the final 2.4, so stay tuned.

The race condition fixes include one that can impact Icecast performance for setups where there are hundreds of concurrent source connections. On the other hand it prevents bad-things™ from happening in those setups.

If you used % in your dump-file names so far, this release might break that due to the newly introduced strftime support.


Thomas B. Ruecker

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