[Icecast] Problem

Rücker Thomas thomas.ruecker at tieto.com
Mon Apr 30 10:00:14 UTC 2012


On 29/04/12 21:05, CoscienzaSpirituale.org wrote:
> First of all I apologize for the bad English, I write in Italian and 
> translate with Google Translator. I can not bring up the radio station 
> of my cultural association on your list/directory I am attaching two 
> pictures with the configurations on
that looks OK.

> ...which may be the problem? The server we purchased from 
> http://rihosts.com <http://rihosts.com/> with CentovaCast Streaming built.
Please make sure that your source client is setting the public/publish 
bit for the stream it sends to the icecast server.

Looking at the Icecast error.log can help you figure out what's 
happening. If necessary increase log verbosity and restart icecast.


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