[Icecast] something wierd going on with my icecast web server

TheDarkener thedarkener at logicalnetworking.net
Wed Apr 25 15:58:32 UTC 2012

I wish I could help, but I know nothing of this "lynix" you speak of.
Sounds interesting though! ;) (sorry it's still early for me)

On 04/25/2012 08:42 AM, Ryan Bishop wrote:
> hi all,
> I installed ICECAST2 n a debian5 lynix server. When i installed and
> configured it, it launched and I was able to stream. but when i went
> to
> http://mydomain.net:8000
> and tried to login via admin panel, it wouldn't allow me in. I double
> checked the username and password in the Icecast.xml file and it's all
> correct. can someone help?
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