[Icecast] temporary setups for ICEcast at festivals?

Sean Linton sean at lpnz.org
Thu Feb 3 09:51:57 UTC 2011

Hi :

I am new to ICEcast, and really am just starting to get to grips with the
ability of community radio, however I have a reason to look into the set up
process and concepts some more, while I work with people in the Pacific
region on using information communications technologies (ICT's) to empower
learning networks, the foundations of indigenous music, and communities
which have lots to gain from bridging digital divides.

I am thinking about working with people from the Solomon Islands in the lead
up to the 2012 Festival of the Pacific Arts. The festival is held every 4
years and is in a different part of the Pacific each time, and can draw a
pretty good crowd. There has not every really been any broadcast of the
proceedings on the level of international coverage. Do people think it would
be possible to do this with ICEcast. Some of the problems are
satellite connections and no high-speed submarine cables.

There are a number of ways I would like to approach this:

1. Have a website which is interactive, and build a community,  and big

2. Publicise widely.
3. Create an Open Educational Resource (OER) perhaps using Wiki-Educator. A
web casting for pacific artists 'how to' repository toolkit.

This will involve some technical questions and work with an FPA
organizing committee
to make webcasting the 2012 FPA a reality.
Post Solomon Islands, perhaps the method can be used by Guam in 2016 and can
be a good example of maintaining transparency in methods of operation and
Many thanks for any thoughts, and experience which people can relate, which
could encourage this discussion.


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