[Icecast] (no subject)

Geoff Shang Geoff at QuiteLikely.com
Tue Feb 3 22:04:21 UTC 2009

holbora marius wrote:

> Please help me (step by step) to use icecast.Thank you very much.

Before anyone can help you, we'll need to know a few things:

1.  What do you want to do with it (e.g. live broadcasts, automation, 
serving audio files, etc)?

2.  Which operating system are you using?  Please list systems for all 
computers involved if you will be using more than one PC.

3.  Do you have any parts of your system in place already or are you 
starting completely from scratch?

Once we have the answers to these questions, it will be easier for us to 
provide advice.


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