[Icecast] Incorrect metadata format, ending stream

Geoff Shang Geoff at QuiteLikely.com
Tue Feb 5 23:56:44 UTC 2008


I'm trying to relay a shoutcast-style MP3 stream but am getting the 
following error:

[2008-02-05  23:05:05] EROR format-mp3/mp3_get_filter_meta Incorrect 
metadata format, ending stream

Is there any way I can tell what is wrong with the data we're getting?

The stream I'm trying to relay is http://acb.org:8550/

This is a shared server so it's possible that not all broadcasters trigger 
this problem.

Metadata seems to come through fine using latest mpg123.

Also, we relay another stream using the same version of Supercast 
(http://supercast.sf.net) on another mount and I have no problems, so I 
suspect the metadata that's coming in... but I could be wrong.

This could maybe also be related to Track item 944.

Any help is appreciated.


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