[Icecast] Straming question with ezstream

Tod tod at stthomasepc.org
Tue Jun 19 02:13:53 UTC 2007

Thanks all, ezstream works really nice.  I notice when I run it like 
this though:

cat ./file.wav|oggenc -|ezstream -c ./ezstream.conf

everything works fine until I get to the end of the file then I start 
getting endless lines of this:

ezstream: streamFile(): Error while reading 'stdin': Bad file descriptor

Is this because of the way I'm running ezstream or because I'm cat'ing 
the input file?  I checked the file and it has an EOF in it.  I notice 
if I redirect stdout to /dev/null the errors stop but I have to cancel 
the program's execution once the song has completed.

Also, does someone have a sample script I can use to stream my music 
along with all the corresponding Metadata?  Maybe a configuration file 
to go with it (I notice the de/encode tags are involved).

Thanks - Tod

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