[Icecast] Wifi connections

kloschi kloschi at subsignal.org
Tue Oct 24 20:28:27 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 20:21 +0100, Peter Brooks wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm just querying if anyone's attempted to stream off icecast over
> wireless onto devices such as photos/mp3 players, As these devices are
> finally coming onto the market with wifi then I'm sure they will play
> an important part in any distribution for University Radio stations
> such as the one I'm part of running. 

We were trying successfully running icecast on Linksys WRT 54 G / GL
boxes a while ago in our free networks in weimar and leipzig in germany.
actually it was very good running. and in the decentral infratructures
it makes sense to make excessive use of the relay and fallback features
of icecast .. hehe, meshed icecasting :)

see http://freifunk.net for free community networks. for more on
streaming in that networks ask at wlanware at freifunk.net (actually google
for the freifunk mailinglists mailman ;) ), as the people who
experimented with icecast on wrt are reading those lists.


ps/ just used icecast for streaming from the World Summit on Free
Information Infrastructures in Dharamsala/India until an hour ago :)
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