[Icecast] Unique Listeners from stats.xsl?

"Thomas B. Rücker" dm8tbr at afthd.tu-darmstadt.de
Mon Jun 19 22:58:00 UTC 2006

Frank Steinborn schrieb:
> Hello,
> i need to retrieve the following from a stats.xsl (is it even
> possible?):
> - Unique Listeners. So if there are 5 listeners on the stream, and two
>   of them share an IP it should give "4".
I don't think icecast does such counting. But I might be wrong.
A workaround using the admin interface might be possible.

> - Stream up or not: If the mountpoint is alive it should print "1",
>   otherwise "0".
a simple if statement in the xslt will do that for you.



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