[Icecast] How analyze performance (buffering) problems ?

EISELE Pascal pe at letsgozic.com
Fri Nov 18 09:34:05 UTC 2005

EISELE Pascal a écrit :

> Hello,
> I'm looking for a method to track stream performance problems, I mean :
> why does listeners got buffering ?
> We are using two "front relay" that are hosted by differents providers.
> The front relays are connected to our main server (which encode) that is
> using two ADSL connections from two differents providers.
> How can I do to know if there is a problem between "Front relay 1" and
> "Main server using provider DSL connection 1" or between "Front relay 1"
> and listener ?
> How avoid buffering problems ? Have you got somes tips and tricks ?
> Bests regards,
> Pascal
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I've tryed to load one of our relay with the shell scripts used on 
Settings was :
# max concurrent curls to kick off
# how long to stay connected (in seconds)
# how long to sleep between each curl, can be decimal  0.5
Here is our mountpoint definition on the tested relay :
We are using icecast 2.3.0 under Debian/GNU Linux (kernel 2.4.24-grsec) 
on a AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ with 512 Mo of memory.
Any idea ?

Bests regards,

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