[Icecast] Now Playing Stats + Best Combo with icecast for windows

Geoff Shang geoff at hitsandpieces.net
Fri Mar 25 15:08:07 UTC 2005

CXXvXXXX MX wrote:

> How do i display to my users which song is being currently played and how
> many listeners are currently connected. i want that to be displayed on
> the web so i hope i dont get answers that i could view it from stats.xml
> or whtever the page is ...

Well, that is how you would do it.  You could either use a script to grab 
it from the original XML stats or an XSL transform of them and display it 
as part of your page, or I guess you could write an XSL transform with the 
info you want and use an iframe to display it.  Not as neat a solution, but 
not as difficult to implement either.

> secondly what is the most stable combination
> with icecast server... we are talking about windows xp as the operating
> system. like i am currently using jetcast is there any other better
> possible option?

I've never heard of jetcast, so no idea how good or bad it is.  Options 
that immediately come to mind are simplecast and the sam plugin for winamp, 
both from audiorealm, the oddcast plugin for winamp and foobar2000 from 
oddsock.org, the streamtranscoder using linein mode also from oddsock.org, 
and ezstream which you can get from icecast.org.  Now whichever one you 
want will depend greatly on what exactly you want to do with it.


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