[Icecast] Another person cannot hear my radio (yet)

Denis Paschoalinoto denis.paschoalinoto at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 16:35:59 UTC 2005


First of all, thank you Jason, Geoff and Ian.

There´s an Icecast 2.2.0 server in my Windows XP, with Oddcast working
with Winamp 2.95.

I´m able to open something like http://201.1.33.#:8000/live.m3u (my
radio´s address; IP´s dynamic) in my own machine. However, this URL
cannot be open by another machines. Message in those browsers is "URL
not found".

This happens even while server is "running", Winamp is playing and
Oddcast is "connected". I have even tried to turn off the firewall,
but it did´n work.

Please, anyone knows what more can be checked?

Thank you very much,


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