Re: [Icecast] Windows XP´s firewall

Daniel Ballenger lpmusix at
Mon Mar 21 01:38:26 UTC 2005

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 21:58:24 -0300, Denis Paschoalinoto
<denis.paschoalinoto at> wrote:
> Hi there,
> When using Windows XP´s firewall, is there a safe way to open the
> machine to Icecast listeners but not to turn off the firewall?
Not that it's ever safe to have a windows machine on the internet :). 
But I think you can go into the firewall configuration and add custom
ports, then you can go in and open up those ports you made.  Been so
long since I've run a windows machine and had to deal with that, but
that should do the trick.
> Thanks a bunch,
> Denis.
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