[Icecast] Another person cannot hear my radio

Jason Jason at Weatherserver.net
Fri Mar 18 00:47:12 UTC 2005

Now I feel stupid. I didn't even notice the IP.  DOH!

Well I could be right in the end with the router/firewall stuff :-p
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Andrew Bell" <hello at ianbell.com>
To: "Geoff Shang" <geoff at hitsandpieces.net>
Cc: <>; "Denis Paschoalinoto" <denis.paschoalinoto at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Icecast] Another person cannot hear my radio

> That IP looks self-assigned ... he is probably not even on a network 
> with that machine.
> -Ian.
> Geoff Shang wrote:
>> Denis Paschoalinoto wrote:
>> 169.254 addresses are not routed on the net - no-one outside your 
>> subnet will be able to access this address.  It really shouldn't be 
>> used for this either.  For more info see RFC 3330 at 
>> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3330.html
>> You're going to have to get the real IP address of this particular 
>> machine, as seen from the Internet, before this is going to work.
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