[Icecast] IceCast 2.2 MP3 stream and Real Player noise

Fred Black fred at batanga.com
Thu Jun 9 14:01:40 UTC 2005

Thank you!
Do you think oddSock will be nice enough to build another Windows


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Heyes [mailto:karl at xiph.org] 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 9:56 AM
To: Fred Black
Cc: 'icecast'
Subject: RE: [Icecast] IceCast 2.2 MP3 stream and Real Player noise

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 16:34, Fred Black wrote:
> I tested it this morning and here are my findings:
> 1) The Intro tag causes Real Player to give an error that the stream
> "contains unexpected data and may be corrupt".  It does not play with the
> Intro tag in the mount point.  If I remove the Intro tag the stream plays,
> and, the Real Player noise caused by meta-data is gone and the meta-data
> updates work.

I've committed a fix for sending StreamTitle in mp3 metadata with intro
files.  That should resolve realplayer (and whatever else) having the


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