[Icecast] soundtap - a solution for broadcasting iTunes on Mac OS X

Graham Pople grahampople at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 3 04:20:19 UTC 2005


There seems to be some interest in a solution that lets you broadcast iTunes 
output to other computers (thanks for the response Dwipal!), so I've setup a 
page for a project that does just that at


It uses Soundflower to grab the iTunes audio (though Jack may work too), 
then my tool soundtap converts this to a suitable PCM format, and then pipes 
it to ices2.  ices2 converts it to Vorbis and sends it to my local icecast 
server, which can then broadcast over the network.

It's all a bit complicated and kludge-tastic at the moment, and I'd like to 
turn it into something much closer to Nicecast (but free!).  All help, 
ideas, and comments appreciated, please visit the site, download the tool, 
and see what you think.  Apologies for the code by the way, it was knocked 
up pretty quickly.



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