[Icecast] fallback mount from diferent mountpoint

Carsten Henkel carsten at chatlabel.de
Wed Feb 2 07:54:16 UTC 2005

hi people,

i want do change our fallback stream. we have used a fallback mount at
the same port that runs our stream. now we have a second stream on a
different port. what is the way to mount this stream to fallback mount


dosent works. is there a way, to run fallback-mount from different
servers ?

thank you

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Carsten Henkel                          mailto:carsten at chatlabel.de

Es ist besser, Deiche zu bauen, als darauf zu hoffen, daß die Flut allmählich Vernunft annimmt.

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Carsten Henkel
Passauer Straße 7
94577 Winzer
tel.: 0049 (0)180-3684398-360
fax.: 0049 (0)180-3684398-039


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