[Icecast] Icecast 2.0 and Oddcast V3 - Debug error

Luigi Palmiero adnusielog4 at rmsud.esercito.difesa.it
Wed Dec 14 11:14:41 UTC 2005

Hi guys,
i have an Icecast2 server with 3 source client (Oddcast V3).
I can see in my error.log this lines:

[2005-12-14  12:06:13] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_write_buf_to_client Client had recoverable error -1
[2005-12-14  12:06:13] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_write_buf_to_client Client had recoverable error -1
[2005-12-14  12:06:13] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_write_buf_to_client Client had recoverable error -1

This lines are append every seconds. What is the problem and how can i
view what source causes this error?
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