[Icecast] Icecast XSL(WebInterface) Tweek

Zia Syed zia.syed at smartweb.rgu.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 11:06:38 UTC 2004

Hi Thomas,

Found that the <sources> tag in stats.xml contains the total number of
I've now used it in status.xsl and am happy with it!  :)

Thanks for your help!

On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 23:23, Thomas B. Ruecker, DM8TBR wrote:
> > Apologies if my problem sound silly! I've been modifying the
> status.xsl
> > , and now stuck with the problem. I want to disply on the top header
> > (h2) total number of sources mounted on the server . I dont know
> > how/where the webserver is working, thus i dont know how/where to get
> > the total count (if its already stored somewhere at all). Otherwise,
> > what is the easiest way to get the count?
> If unsure if data is already included look at the /admin/stats.xml .
> This is the XML used for the XSLT.
> If the Total number of sources is not included you could maybe do a
> counting loop - YMMV. I'm not very good in xslt yet.
> Regards
> Thomas
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Zia Syed <zia.syed at smartweb.rgu.ac.uk>
Smartweb Research Center, Robert Gordon University

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