[Icecast] Multi-Level Fallbacks

Karl Heyes karl at xiph.org
Sun Nov 7 15:17:45 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 01:00, Jason wrote:
> I've been playing with the fallbacks for a bit now. For some reason when the 
> stream fails and it drops to the fallback winamp doesn't keep playing and 
> just stops.  I tested it in Windows Media Player and the fallback feed will 
> just keep buffering over and over until I press stop and play again.
> I also does the same if you are on the fallback and the main stream comes 
> back online, it does switch but winamp stops and WMP just sits and buffers 
> over and over.
> Is anyone else seeing this? 

there's been no other reports of this, can you give information on the
streams (mp3 metadata etc), icecast version, whether it's consistent etc


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