[icecast] could not start logging

Mr. Stauf stauf at freshcheese.net
Thu Jan 1 01:33:11 UTC 2004

Whenever I get that error, its due to either the directory/file not existing,
or having the wrong file permissions.  Remember, it needs the file permissions
of the user you created to be "icecast".
Happy holidays all

On Wed, Dec 31, 2003 at 05:00:39PM -0800, jensen galan wrote:

> Greetings!
> Running into a snag when trying to fire up icecast:
> icecast -c /usr/local/icecast2/conf/icecast.xml
> Changed groupid to 503
> Changed userid to 503
> FATAL: could not open error logging
> FATAL: could not open access logging
> FATAL: could not start logging
> Anybody see this before?  In the icecast.xml file i
> specified the logdir to be /usr/local/icecast2/logs
> and have touched the 2 log files error.log and
> access.log in this dir.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> jg
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